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Assessment and Registration
Entry as a boarder is possible at any stage but an enquiry regarding availability of places should first be made to the school. Assessments for places at 11+ and 16+ can be through the current procedures for the Senior School but it is possible to arrange assessments at different stages according to parental circumstances.
Registration Forms should be requested from the School Registrar either via downloading from the website, by telephone: 01772 68426 or via email: Visits to the school will be arranged by appointment.
Entrance requirements are common with the Senior School as a whole and candidates for boarding places will be expected to satisfy the school entrance "criteria" at each level. For entry at 12+, 13+ or 14+ an assessment will be undertaken and school reports requested.
Overseas Pupils
Overseas pupils applying for entry to Kirkham Grammar School are required to have a Guardian in the United Kingdom who will act "in locum parentis" and who will be responsible for the pupil whilst in the United Kingdom. Guardians will accept responsibility for pupils during exeats and for travel arrangements and visas where parents are unable to fulfil this role.
Test Papers
In the event that assessments are required for entry it is possible for test papers to be sent to the candidate’s present school. Parents are asked to provide the contact details of a member of staff in their child's current school who would be happy to administrate the examination on our behalf and also insure that the necessary invigilation arrangements can be made.
English Language
It is essential that all candidates joining Kirkham Grammar School are able to access the curriculum. While English as an Additional Language lessons are provided, the curriculum is in English and pupils need fluency in the language to access this.