7 December 2021

We are delighted that we managed to undertake three expeditions in the first half term of this school year.
The Upper Sixth had planned their routes for the Northern Lake District Fells and we were delighted that despite the wet and windy weather endured on the last two days that the groups were very successful and their teamwork and determination impressed the staff throughout. For a number of the students this was the final piece of their DofE journey and they have now completed all three levels of the Award and are looking forward to receiving their Gold Awards at the Palace.
Having completed their Silver expedition in July many of our L6th have now signed off their Award and have moved on to their Gold Award. We also welcome a number of new students into the Award Scheme as direct entrants and we look forward to them developing their life skills through their activities.
Our Fifth Year had waited a whole year to plan and carry out their Bronze expeditions and their efforts with both the training days and the expedition were outstanding. The weather on both the Bronze expeditions ensured that the waterproofs were used and that the tents spent half term drying! Again this expedition allowed over 30 of our students to sign off their Bonze Award having already completed their Skill, Physical and Volunteering sections. It is very pleasing that many of these participants have now moved on to their Silver Award.
Our Fourth Years are working hard on their Physical, Skill and Volunteering sections and many have completed their Certificate of Achievement whilst they wait for a chance to do their expedition section.
The last two weeks have seen the DofE Award opened to our current Third Year pupils and over half the year have already logged in to their e-DofE record system.
As always the success of our pupils is due to their hard work and determination to complete each section and we are so proud of their time, efforts and skills. However, the expedition section could not be run without the amazing support of the KGS staff, who also camp and meet the groups at various checkpoints in the delightful British weather conditions, our thanks go to Mrs Sutcliffe, Mr Possamai, Mr Gardner, Mrs Latham, Miss Reddy, Miss Leeming, Miss Chekrie, Mr Robinson and Miss Hodgson.
To view the list of awards, please click on the link below...