20 December 2017

Image of Headmaster Swap

Headmaster, Mr Berry, and I1 pupil, Rupert Brookes, swapped roles for the morning! Mr Berry joined in with various activities in I1 including attending the whole school morning assembly, making a Christmas Tree using baking ingredients and even took part in the Games lesson! Rupert, known today as Mr Brookes, performed many official duties as Senior School Headmaster, including holding a first years’ morning assembly, which involved presenting a number of pupils with certificates for their excellent work, carried out duty at break time and dictated some letters to his secretary, Mrs Hunt. The occasion gave both Mr Berry and Rupert an insight into what happens around different areas of the school foundation. Thank you to Mr Berry for kindly donating this unique prize at the Summer Ball Auction, and to Mr and Mrs Brookes for their winning bid, which raised money for the Friends of KGS. A huge thank you to ‘That’s Lancashire’ for filming this unusual event at KGS.

Tags: 2017-2018