11 September 2019

Last weekend, Fifth Year pupil, Abigail Johnson and First Year pupil, Brooke Medhurst took part in the North West Festival Championship.
The competition was of an exceptionally high standard and showcased the best from the eight North West Festivals participating. To get to the Championship is an accomplishment in itself with many of the competitors heading off to University to study music or already pupils at Chetham’s School of Music!
Abigail and Brooke had been nominated by Blackburn and Lytham Festival and performed their festival winning pieces.
In the Speech and Drama category, Abigail Johnson (Lytham) performed ‘Mortal Combat’ by Alex Cockers with poise and conviction.
Following on from being awarded a bursary on the EYSM course during the summer holidays, Brooke Medhurst (Blackburn), the youngest singer in the competition, performed Maybe from Annie with the adjudicators commenting on her purity of tone and range.
During the adjudication, Kirkham Grammar School pupil, Olivia Coupe delighted the audience with her take on Brexit which she had amended since performing at the Lytham Festival due to a change in Prime Minister!
A fantastic experience for all three of our pupils who did themselves, their families, the festivals and the school proud. Well done to you all!